


A New Peaceful Relationship with Your Children Begins Here

Parent Coaching Groups

A 12 week comprehensive group parenting program based on the latest research into neurological and psycho-social development, non-violent communication and emotional intelligence. 

The guiding philosophy is based on this truth: Children’s behavior is a direct reflection of their needs (met or unmet) and our responses. When parents change, children’s behavior changes. Without exception.

This intimate group is peer based and divided by age. In it, we explore underlying parenting styles and how the parenting you received has influenced the way you parent your own children. Through presentations, activities and open discussion, you will gain deeper  insight into what kind of parent you want to be, what you value and what boundaries work for your unique family. Context based discipline, parent-child conflict and parenting triggers will be explored so that you can have more choices in your reactions.

Individual & Couples Parent Coaching

There are two options for individual sessions. The first option is an individual or couples 12-week curriculum based coaching program that runs parallel to the group but offers more flexibility to tailor it to your specific needs and concerns. While the curriculum follows along with the group program, there is time to explore specific issues in more depth and over time.

The second option is for clients who may have specific concerns to address or want to work on an ‘as needed’ basis. These sessions do not follow the above program sequentially, but important parenting topics will be introduced and addressed as needed. Sessions can occur on a regular or as-needed basis and parents are welcome to structure it to fit their specific needs.

Invite Me to Speak!

I am happy to come to your school or program and speak about topics of interest to your community

Contact me today

"The parents came away feeling supported and with the solidarity that they aren't alone in what can sometimes be an isolating phase of life, and the teachers got the chance to hear the challenges our families are facing." 

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